What is the return/refund/exchange policy?

We want you to be 100% satisfied with The Sottile's products, so we offer a full 30-day guarantee if you are not satisfied with your purchase.

For any exchange or refund request, please contact us by email (info@thesottile.com) with the request information.

After contacting us, we ask that you send the product back to us at the address we will provide. Once the product arrives at our address, it will be reviewed by The Sottile's quality team;

In case of exchange: We will send a new product after the analysis is complete.

In case of return and refund: We will refund the amount paid within 30 days after the analysis.

Our guarantee is subject to the following conditions:

  • The product must be returned within 30 days after receipt.
  • The product must be in perfect condition and in the original packaging.
  • For exchanges to another model of equal or lesser value, we will cover the shipping cost for the glasses to be sent to you. This applies to the first exchange only, and subsequent exchanges will not be covered.
  • We are not responsible for products delivered to the wrong address provided by the customer. Please carefully check the shipping information.